学与教资源推介 - English Language Education

The Blue Sparrow英詩世界
English Language Education
The Blue Sparrow英詩世界
"The Blue Sparrow 是一個免費的應用程式, 有iOS, Android及網頁版。小麻雀Blue Sparrow以及Theo 帶你來到英詩世界,穿梭於不同時空,遊走於四大建築:Classics, 18-19th Century, Modern, Hong Kong,細說經典及當代英詩背後的故事,帶領你走近香港詩人。探索過程中,你可以增加對英詩的認知,了解寫作手法、文法及詞彙的運用。無論小朋友(初小至高小)、中學生還是大人們都可以領略其中樂趣,與Blue Sparrow 和 Theo 一起從英詩中學語文。
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 12: Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea (English subtitles available)
English Language Education
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 12: Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea (English subtitles available)
"The third episode of the culture and civilisation series builds around Chinese mythology on which many Chinese traditions, customs and values are based. In these myths, many famous gods and goddesses who possessed special talismans with magical power were featured as main characters.  In the myth, “Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea”, the immortals demonstrated how collaboration and cooperation could help overcome great obstacles and achieve their goals. Each of them made creative use of their special talisman and together they calmed the rough Eastern Sea and enjoyed the longevity peaches at the grand banquet of the Queen Mother of the West.  The last part of this episode, which explains and reveals a magic card trick, can serve as a fun extended activity.
Sports Day (English subtitles available)
English Language Education
Sports Day (English subtitles available)
"Are you a fan of sports day? It was not the case with Amanda, who is not very good at sports. This video resource tells the story of how she prepares for the school's sports day and how her effort pays off.