To further boost learning and teaching effectiveness, Online Question Bank (OQB) has launched the new features of Preset Paper, where past paper questions are assembled according to learning topics by a group of experienced teachers, for teachers to conduct assessment for learning, students to start the exercise and schools to make good use of the platform in an easy way.
Participating Schools
Acknowledgement to the following schools for offering papers, please refer to the paper list below for details.
- Ko Lui Secondary School
- Tak Sun Secondary School
- St. Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese School
- Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School
- St. Francis Xavier’s School Tsuen Wan
- QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
- CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School
- SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School
- Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
Paper list
Subject: Mathematics
Offered by: Ko Lui Secondary School Mr. Yu Chin Cheung
Paper Title | Number of Question |
HKDSE Section A(1) Exercise 1 | 5 |
HKDSE Section A(1) Exercise 2 | 5 |
HKDSE Section A(1) Exercise 3 | 5 |
HKDSE Section A(1) Exercise 4 | 5 |
中四一元二次方程小測 | 5 |
統計總結性評估練習 | 15 |
數列 --- 與圖像相關 | 10 |
等差數列 | 8 |
等差數列和 | 9 |
等比數列及等比數列和 | 10 |
統計(一)【不包含標準分及統計圖像】 | 10 |
統計(二)【與統計圖像相關題目】 | 10 |
統計(三)【與標準分相關題目】 | 10 |
圓形性質 | 10 |
Subject: Biology
Offered by: Tak Sun Secondary School Mr. Chan Man Pun
Paper Title | Number of Question |
2021 DSE Exam P1A | 35 |
HKDSE BIO MC Revision Exercise (HKDSE BIO 2019 P1A) | 31 |
HKDSE BIO MC Revision Exercise 1 for Practice DSE Exam | 36 |
HKDSE BIO MC Revision Exercise 2 for Practice DSE Exam | 36 |
HKDSE BIO MC Revision Exercise 3 for Practice DSE Exam | 36 |
HKDSE BIO Revision MC Exercise (non-infectious disease, infectious disease and prevention and Body defense mechanisms) | 17 |
HKDSE BIO Revision MC Exercise (Basic Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology and Evolution) Part 1 | 23 |
HKDSE BIO Revision MC Exercise (Basic Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology and Evolution) Part 2 | 26 |
Offered by: Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College Mr Wen Hua Yan
Paper Title | Number of Question |
Ch1 Introducing biology | 1 |
Ch2 The cell as the basic unit of life | 6 |
Ch3 Movement of substances across cell membrane | 14 |
Ch4 Enzymes and metabolism | 17 |
Ch5 Food and humans | 7 |
Ch6 Nutrition in humans | 25 |
Ch7 Gas exchange in humans | 9 |
Ch8 Transport in humans | 19 |
Ch9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants | 3 |
Ch10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants | 27 |
Ch11 Cell cycle and division | 6 |
Ch12 Reproduction in flowering plants | 12 |
Ch13 Reproduction in humans | 14 |
Ch14 Growth and development | 5 |
Ch15 Detecting the environment | 23 |
Ch16 Coordination in humans | 12 |
Ch17 Movement in humans | 11 |
Ch18 Homeostasis | 6 |
Ch19 Ecosystems | 30 |
Ch20 Photosynthesis | 12 |
Ch21 Respiration | 12 |
Ch22 Non-infectious diseases | 4 |
Ch23 Infectious diseases and disease prevention | 2 |
Ch24 Body defence mechanisms | 11 |
Ch25 Basic genetics | 33 |
Ch26 Molecular genetics | 8 |
Ch27 Biotechnology | 2 |
Ch28 Biodiversity | 7 |
Ch29 Evolution I | 5 |
Ch30 Evolution II | 4 |
Subject: ICT
Offered by: Tak Sun Secondary School Mr. Eric Tang Chin To
Paper Title | Number of Question |
Computer System Fundamental: Integrated and Computer Performance (2012-2021) | 12 |
Computer System Fundamental: IO & Storage (2012-2021) | 11 |
Computer System Fundamental: Machine Cycle and Bus System and CPU (2012-2021) | 10 |
Computer System Fundamental: Memory and Storage (2012-2021) | 9 |
Computer System Fundamental: Mode of Operation (2012-2021) | 5 |
Computer System Fundamental: System Software (2012-2021) | 10 |
Computer System Fundamental: Trend of Technology (2012-2021) | 3 |
Networking & Internet: Internet Applications, Layout Design (2017-2021) | 7 |
Networking & Internet: Internet Security & Malware (2017-2021) | 11 |
Networking & Internet: Multimedia and Web Design (2017-2021) | 11 |
Networking & Internet: Network Basic and Infrastructure (2017-2021) | 10 |
Networking & Internet: TCP/IP, Domain Name, URL, Protocol (2017-2021) | 9 |
Social Implication: Equity (2012-2021) | 8 |
Social Implication: Health Issues (2012-2021) | 7 |
Social Implication: Information Age and Use of Information (2012-2021) | 6 |
Social Implication: Intellectual Properties (2012-2021) | 12 |
Networking & Internet: Internet Applications, Layout Design (2012-2016) | 15 |
Networking & Internet: Internet Security & Malware (2012-2016) | 15 |
Networking & Internet: Multimedia and Web Design (2012-2016) | 14 |
Networking & Internet: Network Basic and Infrastructure (2012-2016) | 7 |
Networking & Internet: TCP/IP, Domain Name, URL, Protocol (2012-2016) | 5 |
Offered by: Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College Mr Wen Hua Yan
Paper Title | Number of question |
A01 - Introduction to Information Processing | 5 |
A02 - Data Control & Data Organisation | 7 |
A03 - Data Representation | 63 |
A04 - Spreadsheets | 16 |
A05 - Database | 22 |
A06 - Algorithm design (1) [Sequence & Selection] | 16 |
A07 - Algorithm design (2) [Iteration] | 27 |
A08 - Algorithm design (3) [Array] | 5 |
A09 - Input/Output Devices | 22 |
A10 - Computer Hardware | 59 |
Subject: Physics
Offered by: Ko Lui Secondary School Mr. Chow Tsz Him
Paper Title | Number of Question |
光折射 | 5 |
干涉現象 | 6 |
熱學(加熱) | 8 |
波粒子 | 7 |
電功率 | 7 |
Subject: Chemistry
Offered by: Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School Mr. Tsang Wai Kong
Paper Title | Number of Question |
Topic 2 Microscopic world I (Easy) (20) | 20 |
Topic 3 Metals (Easy) (20) | 20 |
Topic 4 Acids and bases (Easy) (20) | 20 |
Topic 2 Microscopic world I (Normal) (14) | 14 |
Topic 3 Metals (Normal) (15) | 15 |
Topic 4 Acids and bases (Normal) (15) | 15 |
Subject: Economics
Offered by: St. Francis Xavier’s School Tsuen Wan Mr. Wong Kin Wai
Paper Title | Number of Question |
市場干預 | 21 |
需求與供應價格彈性 | 10 |
市場價格的變化 | 24 |
市場價格的訂定 | 10 |
三個基本經濟問題、私有產權及實證性和規範性經濟學 | 15 |
機會成本 | 9 |
利息、經濟和免費物品 | 6 |
Subject: Geography
Offered by: St. Francis Xavier’s School Tsuen Wan Mr. Kwan Kin Sheung
Paper Title | Number of Question |
機會與風險 — 居住在災害頻生的地區是否明智之舉? | 10 |
消失中的綠色樹冠 — 誰應為大規模砍伐雨林付出代價? | 10 |
對抗饑荒 — 科技是否解決糧食短缺的靈丹妙藥? | 10 |
氣候變化 — 長期波動還是不可逆轉趨勢? | 10 |
建設一個可持續發展的城市 — 環境保育與城市發展是否不能並存? | 10 |
Subject: Physical Education
Offered by: QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School Mr. Li Ka Yi
Paper Title | Number of Question |
體育、運動、康樂與消閒的角色和價值 | 3 |
香港體育的現況 | 9 |
香港的運動、康樂與消閒現況 | 13 |
國際比賽成績 | 3 |
成長和發展/人體形態結構與機能概述 | 5 |
骨骼系統 | 8 |
神經系統 | 4 |
肌肉系統 | 8 |
心血管系統 | 5 |
呼吸系統 | 5 |
能量系統 | 4 |
物質代謝 | 1 |
基本力學概念 | 11 |
人體動作的類別 | 10 |
動作表現分析 | 3 |
健康的組合成分 | 3 |
體適能的定義 | 1 |
健康體適能的組合成分和量度 | 6 |
運動相關體適能的組合成分和量度 | 2 |
食物與營養 | 23 |
體重的控制 | 4 |
健康的生活習慣 | 3 |
體育活動在預防非傳染病的角色 | 3 |
影響運動表現的因素 | 9 |
訓練概念與原理 | 15 |
訓練法 | 10 |
訓練和停止訓練後在生理上的效應 | 10 |
導致運動創傷的原因 | 1 |
創傷的處理 | 1 |
常見的運動創傷與處理 | 12 |
預防運動創傷 | 9 |
導致運動創傷的原因 + 常見的運動創傷與處理 | 1 |
導致運動創傷的原因 + 預防運動創傷 | 1 |
創傷的處理 + 常見的運動創傷與處理 | 2 |
常見的運動創傷與處理 + 預防運動創傷 | 1 |
技能分類 | 6 |
技能掌握和信息處理 | 3 |
學習階段和學習轉移 | 7 |
內在回饋和外在回饋 | 2 |
練習方法 | 3 |
學習理論在運動技術學習中的應用 | 1 |
喚醒和焦慮 | 6 |
動機與自信 | 2 |
目標設置 | 3 |
表象訓練 | 2 |
攻擊行為與進取心 | 4 |
壓力管理 | 3 |
奧林匹克運動和奧林匹克主義 | 19 |
我國的運動文化 | 6 |
運動與社會 | 11 |
影響參與運動和康樂活動的因素 | 3 |
奧林匹克運動和奧林匹克主義 + 國際組織、大型運動會和大型國際比賽 | 1 |
奧林匹克運動和奧林匹克主義 + 運動與社會 | 1 |
運動和康樂活動管理的概念 | 13 |
籌辦活動 | 9 |
體育、運動與康樂的法律課題 | 4 |
Subject: BAFS
Offered by: CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School BAFS Panel Head
Paper Title | Number of Question |
交易的複式記帳 | 10 |
運用會計等式思考的問題 | 10 |
和試算表有關的題目 | 10 |
和損益表有關的題目 | 12 |
和財務狀況表有關的題目 | 10 |
較常出現的帳戶問題 | 10 |
會計功能、報表的用途及其使用者 | 11 |
會計比率(計算題) | 10 |
會計比率(理論題) | 7 |
會計循環及帳戶結餘的問題 | 10 |
Subject: Tourism and Hospitality Studies
Offered by: SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School Mr. Yuen Tak Cheong
Paper Title | Number of Question |
世界地理概念/半球 | 14 |
世界地理概念/時區 | 14 |
世界地理概念/氣候、經緯度及季節性 | 11 |
景點/景點的類型及主題公園—其中一種景點的類型 | 8 |
旅遊區域/主要旅遊區域:排名及旅遊活動的有關資料 | 14 |
旅遊區域/主要旅遊區域:旅遊活動的有關資料 | 8 |
旅遊與旅客 / 旅遊導論 及 「旅客」、「旅遊」及「旅客」的定義 | 10 |
旅遊與旅客 / 旅客的行為守則、旅遊的形式及旅客的分類:高恆 (Cohen) 及 蒲樂 (Plog) | 16 |
旅遊的動機 / 旅客的旅遊動機 | 6 |
旅遊規劃 / 旅遊產品及目的地規劃 及 承載力 | 12 |
旅遊業的界別及分銷途徑 / 旅遊業的不同界別 | 10 |
旅遊業的界別及分銷途徑 / 旅遊業的不同界別 及 分銷途徑 | 8 |
旅遊業的影響 / 經濟影響 | 8 |
旅遊業的影響 / 社會文化影響 | 7 |
本地旅遊業 / 本地旅遊業的發展 | 14 |
本地旅遊業 / 本地公營機構在旅遊業發展的角色 | 18 |
會議、獎勵、商務、展覽活動的規劃 及款待業 / 款待業簡介 | 4 |
住宿業簡介 / 住宿業的分類(1) | 10 |
住宿業簡介 / 住宿業的分類(2) | 12 |
住宿業簡介 / 住宿產品、酒店顧客類別及顧客流程 | 11 |
酒店運作簡介 / 酒店的產權及管理模式 及 酒店的主要部門及其職責 | 7 |
客務部簡介 / 前堂部運作及 管家部運作 | 10 |
餐飲部簡介 / 餐飲部運作 (酒店) | 8 |
餐飲服務原理 / 餐單的基本認識 及 餐飲服務的基本認識 | 10 |
餐飲服務原理 / 廚房運作的基本知識 | 5 |
食物安全及個人衛生 / 食物污染的種類 及 何謂「食物安全五要點」﹖ | 8 |
顧客服務 / 專業服務 | 7 |
客務關係 / 文化議題 | 5 |
顧客的期望及認知 / 公司的顧客服務政策 | 10 |
顧客的期望及認知 / 公司的顧客服務政策 及 提供優質顧客服務的挑戰 | 14 |
可持續發展的旅遊業 / 全球化引起的旅遊與款待業議題 及 可持續發展旅遊業的十二個目標 | 8 |
旅遊業的趨勢 / 旅遊業 | 10 |
旅遊業的趨勢 / 住宿業 及 餐飲業 | 5 |
User Guide
Teachers create papers for students weekly in a continuous manner to implement formative assessment. By analysing the performance of students and adjusting teaching strategies, teachers can enhance the learning and teaching effectiveness, especially encourage students to set their own goal and keep practising.
It is usually time consuming to prepare tiered assignment for students with learning diversity. Being an e-platform for ‘assessment for learning’, Online Question Bank (OQB) enables teachers create a paper for use in classroom with 4 simple steps in just five minutes before class.
To help students understand their own abilities and timely adjust their learning strategies, teachers can set learning goals with students at the beginning of each term and encourage students to create different papers in Online Question Bank (OQB) according to their set goals. By using the 'My Performance' Bar Chart function, students can easily track their performance in answering questions in a subject, so as to implement self-directed learning.
Through the Question Analysis Report function in the Online Question Bank (OQB), teachers can easily compare the student correctness rate with the HKEAA correctness rate (the passing rate of individual question in the public exam that year). Teachers can also enhance their teaching strategies according to their students' weaknesses in order to implement assessment for learning.
For those schools which have subscribed to school-based service, teachers may try to assign papers in Online Question Bank (OQB) to Form 3 students so that students can learn public exam questions earlier. It is helpful for DSE curriculum preparation as well as their subject selection.
You may refer to the checklists including Account Update, Group Management, Paper Management and Paper Publishing to start using Online Question Bank (OQB) in the new school year.
This teaching idea uses collaborative lesson planning of Mathematics teachers in the same grade level as an example to introduce the sharing functions in Online Question Bank (OQB).
Online Question Bank (OQB) not only can be used for Assessment for Learning by teachers and students, students can also use it for Assessment as Learning, so as to implement self-directed learning.