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School-Based Junior Secondary STEM Education Project – Use Micro:bit to Measure Resistance
Science Education
School-Based Junior Secondary STEM Education Project – Use Micro:bit to Measure Resistance
"The School-based Junior Secondary STEM Education Project is funded by the Quality Education Fund. The objectives of this project are (1) to raise student's interest in STEM, (2) to develop the student's creativity, collaboration ability and problem solving skills, (3) to promote STEM education and the development of the STEM field in our school. The resources developed in this project is separated into two parts: (1) School Maker Team Projects (2) Subject Activities
天文台教育資源 — 月食有長短
Science Education
天文台教育資源 — 月食有長短
"每次月食過程的時間都長短不一,這到底是受什麼因素影響呢?本短文運用天文學概念來解釋這個現象。附上的學習工作紙,有助教師為學生編寫學習材料和製作工作紙。 香港天文台教育資源(包括歸類在不同的主題的「氣象冷知識」視頻(廣東話)和教育短文(中英文版),其主題包括天氣、颱風、氣象儀器、航空及海洋、氣候、輻射、地球科學、天文及授時,以及太空天氣。教師可選取它們作為補充教材或參考資料,亦是學生在線自學的好材料。