Get started

  1. Acquire & activate OQB
  2. Get teachers & students account ready
  3. Customise student groups

Recall & Suspend paper

  1. Recall paper 
  2. Suspend and delete paper 

  • All papers are categorised by school year, paper shall with end date on or before 31 August of the corresponding school year.
  • Can publish paper in different modes
    • Test: Show answers after paper completed
    • Exercise: Show answers after each question completed
  • Can configure when students to view report, right after submission or after paper ended
  • Questions and paper type cannot be changed in published paper. Other settings can be changed.
  • Suspended papers will be permanently removed after 30 days. Related student submissions will also be removed.

Comparison / progress reports

Teacher can compare performance of multiple assignments and students in the same school year with comparison report. Teacher can also review progress of individual student.

  1. Paper comparison report
  2. Student comparison report
  3. Student progress report
  1. Drafting tools

  • Drafts are only saved locally in the browser being used and cannot be saved across different browsers or devices. Drafts will be cleared once the student attempt is submitted.

Self study

  1. Create new paper 
  2. Retake failed or bookmarked questions

  • Can set paper in different modes
    • Test: Show answers after paper completed
    • Exercise: Show answers after each question completed
    • Revision: Show correct answer of each question

Subscription Procedure

How can schools subscribe to Online Question Bank (OQB) service?
  • Log in to Subscription with the School Buyer Account for package selection. Please choose package according to the total number of students of the whole school.
  • School can settle the payment by cheque. Upon successful subscription, e-invoice notification will be sent to the School Buyer’s email / Contact email in billing details. Please settle the payment by cheque within 45 days of the invoice date. (**Note: once the transaction is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled.)
  • Teachers and students of the school will be able to log in to OQB platform upon successful completion of the subscription.


** OQB service is provided by academic year basis. Please refer to Subscription for details.

  • Log in to Subscription with Teacher/Parent/Public for package selection under ‘Individual User’ column. Click ‘CHECKOUT’ and place order. Please follow the order instruction to settle the payment.


(** Note: once the transaction is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled.)


  • After payment, go to ‘Delivery Hub’ and distribute the corresponding access right to target users so that they can access the OQB platform. No further activation is required.


** OQB service is provided by academic year basis. Please refer to Subscription for details.


Account Management
Are administrators required to create another set of login accounts for OQB platform?
  • Simply use the current EdCity Teacher and Student Accounts to access the platform.
  • Please make sure the student accounts have been updated through the School Accounts Administration System.
  • For enquiries, please contact us on 2624 1000 or for assistance. Please update student accounts as early as possible to ensure smooth user experience of the platform.
After updating student accounts on the School Accounts Administration System, it takes at least one day for the system to refresh the information.
  • From 2020/21 school year, teachers and students can access the OQB platform with their EdCity teacher and student accounts upon successful School Subscription, no further activation is required.
  • Meanwhile, individual subscription users have to distribute access right using Delivery Hub before the assignee can access the OQB platform.

Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge


[Details please refer to the test page:]


Create Groups
How do I publish papers for students who take the same subject in different classes and confine papers to students who take the same subject in the class?

A ‘grouping’ function is available on the platform. Teachers can create custom groups for students from the same / different classes. For details, please refer to quick start guide (teacher).

It depends on whether ‘Mandatory’ option has been chosen when creating papers.

Yes, there are 3 answer display options for teachers and students respectively.


  • Test: answers will be displayed after paper end time or paper submitted;
  • Exercise: answers will be displayed after submission of individual question;
  • Revision (only for student mode): answers are displayed together with questions; it is for self-study only.

A paper can be edited and deleted if it has not been published yet;

A published paper can be edited, but not for questions or paper type;

Paper can be recalled if it has been published but not been started or answered by students;

Paper cannot be recalled if it has been published and started.

After selecting assignees, click ‘More’, then ‘Exclude Published Questions’ to exclude assigned questions.

Yes, you can subscribe to an individual licence and publish paper to students who have also subscribed to the platform.


Personal subscription?
Can I subscribe to the service if my school has not done so?
No, students need to ask their parents or teachers to subscribe individual licence for their use.
  • The student accounts have not been updated.
  • After logging in, the platform redirects URL according to teacher or student accounts. If a teacher logs out and then a student logs in the same page, there will be an error. To solve this problem, you may enter the URL ( once again or re-login in a new page.

You can resume the assignment any time before the end time.

Yes, you can create a paper on ‘Create Paper’ subpage. Then the platform will indicate it as created by ‘Myself’ under ‘My Assessment’.

In the ‘Create Paper’ subpage, click ‘English’ on the right of the screen. The question language will then be changed to English.

The platform is designed for online assessment, hence download and printing are not supported. Graphics and maps in Mathematics and Geography are printable to facilitate offline computing.

What's New

1 February 2024

20% off for OQB individual subscription

A 20% off discount is offered to OQB individual subscription from today onwards. Please CLICK HERE for details.

6 November 2023

2023 HKDSE Questions are NOW available!

2023 HKDSE Questions are NOW available! Please check out the questions by logging in to OQB platform.

18 July 2023

Preset Papers (ICT)

10 ICT preset papers are uploaded. More than 200 preset papers covering ALL 10 subjects are now available in OQB. Please CLICK HERE for details.